Resilient Farming Systems: Introduction
Resilient Farming Systems Series: RegenerEat is a systems thinking approach to food sovereignity. The aim of this series is to look at...

Human Ecology
Civilisations rise and fall by how they feed themselves. The ecology of the human species changed dramatically with the inventions of...

Eat the Seasons
For thousands of generations, each passing season brought with it a new harvest of different fruit and vegetables. Our palates would...

The Wildervore Approach
January is always a time for the 'New Year, New You' resolutions. This year I have rededicated myself to the project of connection....

Foraging: Staying connected to the Seasons
The ultimate way to reconnect with nature is to rely on it for food. While this isn't entirely practical for most of us, it is completely...

Oxford Real Farming Conference
In 2009 the agricultural writer Graham Harvey invited Colin Tudge and Ruth West (founders of the Campaign for Real Farming) to help...

Eat Your Sweets and I'll give you a Carrot
How we think about food is influenced by how our parents thought about food, and their parents, and their parents before them. My...

Feeding the 9 Billion: Changing the Narrative
At the Oxford Real Farming Conference in January this year I attended a lecture titled Changing the Narrative. One of the buzz phrases...

Smaller Families
During the summer I took part in the making of a short film about the human population with the charity Population Matters. Each one of...

Around the farm table last weekend we were lucky to have an additional voice, or two, with a visit from Caroline and her son Archie from...